Pop-up at studio stars

Looking for a space to host your next pop-up?
Host your pop-up/event here at studio stars, located at Vesterbro, Copenhagen.
We have around 50m2 store space and extra space for storage.
We have payment terminal, insurance, storage, and can help provide sponsored beverges.
PRICE: We have a daily fee of 750dkk (+tax), and we take 20% of all sales.
TIME: You can host up to 1 week, if needed more please contact us in good time.
HOW: Send us an E-mail with your concept and ideas, remember pictures of your work. We will then review it and get back to you as soon as possible.

På udkig efter et sted at holde dit næste pop-up?
Hold dit pop-up/event her hos Studio Stars, Vesterbro, København.
Vi har omkring 50m2 i butikken og ekstra plads til opbevaring.
Vi har betalingsterminal, forsikring, opbevaring og kan hjælpe med at få sponsorerede drikkevarer.
PRIS: Vi har en daglig pris på 750dkk (+moms), og vi tager 20% af alle salg.
TID: Du kan være her op til 1 uge, hvis der er behov for mere, så kontakte os i god tid.
HVORDAN: Send os en e-mail med dit koncept og ideer, husk billeder af dit arbejde. Vi vil derefter gennemgå det og vende tilbage til dig så hurtigt som muligt.
Previous pop-ups

11.05.2023 - 13.05.2023
Chaos Volcano
Chaos Volcano did a full remodel of the store, filled it with plants, sculptures and light works to show of their debut collection with a launch party!

Lost and found archive
Vintage sunglasses pop-up for lost and found archive, they brought 50+ designer vintage sunglasses.
This was a part of their pop-up tour, were they also went to Wilen store, Chamoi, Szoba, and OSV store.

01.04.2023 - 02.04.2023
Cop me if you can & Groupie archive
CMIYC and Groupie archive teamed up for a collaboration pop-up at our store for two days.
They filled the store up with lots of vintage grails and archives from our favourite designers!

01.02.2023 - 04.02.2023
Bin tagged
Bin tagged took over the vintage scene in Copenhagen for four days during fashion week, with their wild collection of vintage, techwear and archive pieces.
And a big party on the last day!